
CNC milling complex processing can shorten the product manufacturing process chain

CNC milling complex processing can shorten the product manufacturing process chain 

CNC milling processing chain can shorten the product manufacturing process 

 compared with the conventional 

CNC machining technology, composite processing has the prominent advantages of m
ainly manifested in the following respects. 

(1) shorten the product manufacturing process chain, improve production efficiency. C
ar milling compound machining can be a card to complete all or most of the machining 
process, which greatly shorten the product manufacturing process chain. So on the on
e hand, reduced the production due to loading card change auxiliary time, but also re
duced the tooling fixture manufacturing cycle and waiting time, can significantly impro
ve the efficiency of production.

 (2) decrease The Times of the clamping and improve the machining accuracy. With th
e reducing the number of CARDS to avoid the accumulation of errors caused due to th
e locating datum transformation. At the same time, the current car milling compound machining equipment mostly has the function of on-line detection can implement man
ufacturing process of key data in the detection and control precision, so as to improve
 the machining accuracy of the product. 
3) reduce cover an area of an area, reduce the production cost. Though a single car 
milling compound machining equipment price is quite high, but because of the manufa
cturing process chain shorten and the product of the equipment needed to reduce, an

d the number of jigs and fixtures, workshop area and equipment maintenance cost re

duction, can effectively reduce the overall fixed asset investment, the cost of producti
on operation and management.

